App, FAQ, Getting Started, Help Center

Getting Started FAQ

What are the username’s minimum & maximum characters?

For your username, you may input a minimum of four (4) characters and a maximum of fifteen (15) characters. Your username must be in alphanumeric, no space and selected special characters only (-._@+).

What are the password’s minimum & maximum characters?

For your password, you may input a minimum of ten (10) characters and a maximum of fifteen (15) characters. Including at lease: one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one special character: ~!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|:;”‘<,>?/.

How can I get my referral code?

The referral code is just optional so that you can skip this part.

I downloaded the app. Can I skip account validation and continue using the Wallet?

No, you need to validate your account after signing up to fully access your app. and increase your wallet level, which has a monthly wallet limit of Php200,000.

I don’t have a valid ID. Can I still use the app?

You must provide a valid ID during account validation to use and have full access to the app.

Can I create multiple accounts under my name?

No, you are allowed to use one account only.

I am a minor. Can I still use the app?

No. You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to sign up for a account.

I entered the wrong account details, specifically my username; how can I change it?

Once you have submitted a username, it cannot be changed. Please ensure your username is correct before proceeding with the sign-up process.

I live outside the Philippines. Can I still use the app?

You can access the app outside the Philippines using a Philippine mobile number.