Biometrics, why enable it?

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With the rise of digital technology and the breakthrough of e-wallets– post-pandemic also comes the increase in cybercrimes such as identity theft, fraud, phishing, and scams. Comes with the growing need for enhanced security without sacrificing convenience, thus, making it more hassle-free. TOP.PH prioritizes your safety, and that’s why having biometrics as one of its security features is an added value to protect your account and hard-earned money. Enabling this feature is a smart move.

Biometrics, by definition, are the biological measurements — or physical characteristics that are used to recognize the identity or verify the claimed identity. Instead of relying on a password or PIN, biometric authentication uses your unique physical characteristics, such as your fingerprint, irises or facial features, to verify your identity. This makes unauthorized access to your account much harder, even if they can obtain your login credentials.

Enabling biometrics makes your account easier to access. No more typing in a password or PIN, whenever you want to access your e-wallet, not to mention forgetting it and reclaiming your account, which can be a hassle. With biometrics, you only need a quick scan of your fingerprint or face to complete the authentication process. This saves time and makes it easier to use TOP.PH, especially when you are on the go.

Biometrics is a more secure and reliable authentication method than traditional passwords or PINs. Passwords can be easily guessed or stolen, while biometrics are unique to each individual and cannot be replicated. This makes biometrics a more secure and trustworthy option for protecting your TOP.PH account.

With TOP.PH’s biometrics feature, you can rest assured that your money is safe and secure while enjoying a faster and more convenient payment experience.